Volunteer & Service Opportunities
We have many opportunities to volunteer and serve at our church. On this page you will find those options available to you. There truly is a place for everyone, every talent, every skill, and every gift here at Kennewick First.
See descriptions of many (not all) areas of potential ministry here at Kennewick First. Please read through these and determine if any of these areas appeal to you. If there is an interest (a calling) in an area, please contact Pastor Mark for more information.
- Worship Service Ministry
- Community Service Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Finance & Stewardship Ministry
- Staffing/Personnel Ministry
- Facilities Ministry
- Safety & Security Ministry
- Leadership & Development Ministry
- Admin Ministry
- Adult Ministry
- Children’s Education Ministry
- Membership & Faith Connections Ministry
- Music Ministry
- Communications Ministry
How is God calling you to ministry?
What are your spiritual gifts? How do you know?
God calls all of us to ministry and He has provided you with a unique set of gifts to be used. You may have a pretty good idea of what your gifts are: perhaps you have the ability to plan and work with people – to delegate responsibilities, track progress, evaluate effectiveness of procedures, attend to details. If so, you might have the gift of administration. You might be a teacher or a leader or have exceptional empathy. Not sure? Try our on-line spiritual gifts survey. It will help. But, you also need to attend to this in prayer. Ask God to help you come to know your gifts and to give you the courage to apply them. It is totally private – only you will know the outcomes!
Take the spiritual gifts survey today!
Worship Volunteers
Welcome people as they enter our doors! A friendly smile and a handshake is the only requirement. Contact Cheryl in the church office to sign up.
Read the scripture and assist in worship during both the 9:00 Alternative Service or the 10:30 Traditional Service each Sunday morning. Contact Cheryl in the church office at 582-2163 to help or email her at office@kennewickfirst.com.
Assist people entering the church to worship, care for special needs, take attendance, pass the offering plates, oversee the welfare of the congregation during the services.
Communion Assistants
Help serve the communion elements on the first Sunday of each month. The bread and juice are prepared by our Communion Coordinator, Linda Deatherage. Call Linda at 509-430-7323 or email iluvflowers@hotmail.com to help serve.
Altar Decor
Decorate the altar periodically throughout the year and utilize your creative talents. Call Phyllis Merrill at 586-3784 to sign up.
Coffee Hour
Get the brew a ‘brewin’ for one of the two coffee hours we have after worship. Call the office at 582-2163 or email Cheryl at office@kennewickfirst.com to help.
Special Events Volunteers
Youth Auction
This annual spring fund-raiser gives you an opportunity to bid on great items donated by volunteers and local businesses. This year The Auction will be on April 14, 2024. All proceeds go to our UMY Mission and Ministry, allowing them to help others through Mission Trips and one another through Education Programming.
Holly Daze
The United Methodist Women put on this great two day event in mid-October that offers a Craft Bazaar, Bake Sale, Luncheon and Silent Auction. Come and enjoy all the treats! Call Darryl Vaughn at 460-9339 or email her at davaughn55@gmail.com to volunteer!
The Christmas Pageant
This marvelous production of the Christmas Story is different every time! We have the pageant on ‘even’ years, so the next play will be in December 2024. There is always opportunities to volunteer in a multitude of ways including costuming, sets, sound, direction, rehearsal, refreshments, and more!