Everyone can be a volunteer through our Recycling Program!
It is easy, keeps our planet healthy, and the proceeds we earn by recycling goes to finance our Sunday morning Bus Ministry! Our recycling volunteers bring in enough revenue to fully supply the gas that operates two 15 passenger buses picking up those who cannot drive to church, those who need a ride periodically, and those who simply enjoy having someone else drive!
We recycle newspaper (please tie them together in bundles), magazines (please sack them), all aluminum cans (they do not have to be crushed), pie plates, Reynolds wrap (no tin!), and cardboard (please break it down if possible). We do NOT take plastics or glass; recycle those at your own curb.
Bring your ‘recyclables’ to the church and place it in our recycling shed; the volunteers will haul it away every Wednesday. Be part of our Green Team; go recyclers!!
If you would like to help haul away the recycling on Wednesday mornings, contact Don Shirey at 582-1177.